Learn How To Stop Being Ignored By Your Ideal Customers By Harnessing The Power Of My Movement Marketing Method

 Get Access To My Proven Playbook That My Most Successful Students And I Have Used To Go From Unknown To The #1 Brands In Our Industry

If you're eager to step out of the shadows, find your unique voice, and lay the foundation for a brand that stands out, this Intensive is tailor-made for you.

Unlock the strategies that will transform you from a marketing newbie to a budding brand authority.

Learn How To Stop Being Ignored By Your Ideal Customers By Harnessing The Power Of My Movement Marketing Method

Discover The Exact Strategy This Unknown Industry Outsider Leveraged To Rocket Himself to the #1 Authority Position

Discover The Exact Strategy This Unknown Industry Outsider Leveraged To Rocket Himself to the #1 Authority Position


In This 5-Day Intensive,
You Will Learn How To:

  • Finally Get Free From The Comparison Trap and Imposter Syndrome by learning how to develop your unique message that will cut through the noise and get you the attention of your ideal customers.
  • Harness The Power Of Movement Messaging regardless of your level of experience or what industry you're in so you can market like the most successful and iconic companies in the world. 
  • Discover If You Have A Movement Inside Of You, and What It Takes To Become A Movement Maker. In this intensive you will learn why this is the new best way to unlock unimaginable levels of passion, purpose, and profit by living, launching, and leading a Movement-Based Business.




 Get Access To My Proven Playbook That My Most Successful Students And I Have Used To Go From Unknown To The #1 Brands In Our Industry

 In The 5-Day Movement Maker Intensive Starting Monday, September 18th

I Want To Learn More about the 5-Day Movement Maker Intensive Starting Monday, September 18th

If You're Eager To Step Out Of The Shadows, Find Your Unique Voice, And Lay The Foundation For A Brand That Stands Out, This Intensive Is Tailor-Made For You.

Unlock The Strategies That Will Transform You From A Marketing Newbie To A Budding Brand Authority.


In this 5-Day MOVEMENT MAKER iNTENSIVE you will get Access To LIVE BEST-IN-CLASS Training From Leading Marketing Expert Pedro Adao On How To Create A Movement-Based Business


Discover The Exact Strategy This Unknown Industry Outsider Leveraged To Rocket Himself to the #1 Authority Position

In This 5-Day Intensive, You Will Learn How To:

  • Finally Get Free From The Comparison Trap and Imposter Syndrome by learning how to develop your unique message that will cut through the noise and get you the attention of your ideal customers.
  • Harness The Power Of Movement Messaging regardless of your level of experience or what industry you're in so you can market like the most successful and iconic companies in the world. 
  • Discover If You Have A Movement Inside Of You, and What It Takes To Become A Movement Maker. In this intensive you will learn why this is the new best way to unlock unimaginable levels of passion, purpose, and profit by living, launching, and leading a Movement-Based Business.




"Everyone Thinks Challenges Are The Reason I've Been So Successful...But Movement Making is the most important secret of all my Challenge Secrets.

If You've Run A Challenge or Attempted to Launch anything online and it Flopped...It's Because You Skipped This Step."


Meet Your INTENSIVE Host



  • ClickFunnels Two-Comma Club X 10 Million Dollar Award and 7 X Two Comma Winner 
    Successfully launched multiple business to over $10M a year in revenue in under 2 years
  • ​The #1 Go To Marketing Expert On Challenges and Creator Of The Modern Day Challenge: As an expert to experts, Pedro is routinely called upon by elite-level entrepreneurs and marketers for consulting and strategic guidance on how to design, and implement Pedro's innovative new challenge model that has taken over and shifted the entire online marketing industry.
  • ​Founder and Leader Of The 100 Movement: The #1 Training Program and Community for passionate kingdom entrepreneurs in the world. Living, Launching, and Leading the 100X Movement is where I discovered and mastered all of what I will be teaching you in this 5-Day Movement Maker Intensive.

"I believe the best way to unlock unimaginable levels of passion, purpose, and profit by living, launching, and leading a Movement-Based Business."


From the Desk of Pedro Adao:

Hey guys... can I be real with you?

Several years ago, I accidently cracked the code on how to launch, grow, and scale, any business, in any industry, anywhere.

While growing my 100X Movement-Based Business, I ended up creating an innovative new marketing method that not only has completely changed my life, but has also shifted the entire online marketing industry. 

My new Challenge Model allowed me to go from being a complete unknown industry outsider... 

to very quickly becoming one of the most influential online marketers today...

I've had the chance to meet, and collaborate with all of my spiritual and business heroes and mentors...

and most importantly, I've been able to directly help hundreds of thousands of people in ways I never thought possible...

that has allowed me to create enough value in the world to earn tens of millions of dollars doing something I was happy to do for free.

And since teaching the power of my new modern day challenge model to world in my courses and as well as to some of the biggest entrepreneurs in the world like Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins, Russel Brunson, Daymond John and many more...

You can't hardly open up Facebook or Instagram without seeing an ad for a Challenge...Challenges have for sure taken over and become one of the most used marketing strategies today.

But... over the years, It's becoming super obvious that the real secret sauce behind my success...and that of my most successful students and clients...is not just that we run Challenges.

You see running a Challenge is Step 3 in my proprietary 3 part framework! 

And as powerful and awesome as challenges are...if you skip over steps 1 and 2...your challenge will totally FLOP.  

And that's why Starting Monday, September 18th For 5 Days I am Going To take you deep into my Proprietary Industry Shifting Marketing System My Best Students And I Have Used To unlock unimaginable levels of passion, purpose and profit online...

I will share you with you my full personal playbook, full of little-known secrets that have allowed me in just a little over 2 years to go…

From a complete unknown industry outsider to
   • now marketing industry leading expert

From $0 sales online to well over $10,000,000 a year 
   • in revenue in just my second full year online

From complete obscurity to becoming the #1 go-to brand 
   • in not just one but two different niches. 

If You Are Ready To Stop Struggling, To Finally Say Goodbye To Imposter Syndrome Forever And Go From Being A Copycat To Being Copied By Others This Intensive Is 100% For You.

See you there,

Pedro "The Challenge Guy" Adao 

Want to learn my personal playbook for how you can go from unknown industry outsider to the #1 go to authority in your niche?

I Will Show You My Proven Path For Not Just How To Break Into Your Industry...But How To Take Over. 

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis mollis eleifend lacus, eget pellentesque leo. Praesent rhoncus a orci ac lobortis. Proin et nisi iaculis, vehicula nisl ut, vestibulum est. Nullam dui risus, porta eu sollicitudin eget, hendrerit non erat. Integer in pretium erat. Fusce eu ornare purus, ac posuere lectus. Etiam eget ultrices magna. Nulla ut ante ac sapien tempor vehicula nec ut leo. Donec vestibulum condimentum purus at faucibus.

Donec vehicula feugiat ante sit amet vulputate. Donec placerat pretium dictum. Nulla sed lacus aliquam elit congue cursus. Mauris elementum justo nec dolor semper, non placerat mi facilisis. Aliquam iaculis felis sit amet arcu facilisis feugiat. Praesent vitae sodales mauris, a gravida velit. Etiam imperdiet lacinia massa, vitae blandit nisi tempor in.

Morbi eu scelerisque nisl, sit amet pulvinar neque. Pellentesque vehicula risus quam, a venenatis augue condimentum at. Vivamus pharetra odio nec tortor consectetur, non venenatis turpis blandit. Nullam tincidunt pretium nisi, eget pulvinar tellus. Mauris sed odio sem. Quisque non ligula nec ligula ullamcorper elementum non vel ligula. Morbi id semper dolor. Phasellus sit amet mauris orci. Proin maximus lacus ac ex lobortis dignissim. Fusce mi libero, vulputate faucibus sem eu, venenatis dignissim arcu. Nam tempus, massa vel egestas dictum, mauris nulla sagittis est, nec posuere quam arcu maximus libero. Cras blandit, tellus placerat euismod pellentesque, arcu orci auctor sem, at pharetra libero nunc eget elit. Sed id placerat erat. Ut sit amet suscipit libero.

Praesent venenatis enim eget risus pharetra scelerisque. Vestibulum euismod mollis velit sit amet dapibus. In aliquet diam id ante facilisis accumsan. Sed gravida est et ex malesuada tincidunt. Sed eu nisl eros. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque fringilla erat a bibendum condimentum. In rhoncus massa quis metus fermentum, eu tempor lorem bibendum. Nullam lectus urna, rutrum non posuere a, malesuada mattis est. Nam facilisis vulputate ultrices. Duis sagittis risus et pulvinar ultrices. Nunc feugiat sagittis justo ut dapibus. Integer sed ipsum massa. Mauris sollicitudin, ipsum eu ullamcorper tincidunt, dolor ipsum venenatis sapien, eget fermentum risus quam sit amet velit.

Aenean et lacinia ipsum. Mauris ut condimentum turpis, vulputate efficitur velit. Proin ut risus lectus. Nunc volutpat turpis eget eros elementum, vel porttitor massa fringilla. Sed nibh massa, lacinia eu faucibus vitae, porta nec mi. Sed ac dui massa. In pulvinar tempus ipsum non viverra. Vivamus id metus nec ipsum egestas feugiat. Ut ullamcorper lacus vitae velit eleifend, vitae rutrum massa auctor. Vivamus eu arcu in lorem porttitor maximus vitae at risus. Fusce faucibus, diam eget venenatis pellentesque, ligula enim fringilla dolor, vitae dignissim odio elit vel enim. Etiam in nibh risus. Cras non enim dignissim, rutrum nunc vel, mollis lacus.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who should sign up for the [Your Challenge Name] Challenge?

This challenge is for anyone who --- 

How Do I Get Access To The Challenge?

Explain your challenge process here

What if I can't be there live?

Explain your replay situation